Big Blue Chest by Sister Zozo

As Lisa Rickert, CEO Unfolded once said "Chalk Paint® -  a paint so good, a community formed around it." And its true, right here in Singapore we have a vibrant and creative community of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint® users. Everyone from artists to DIYers, mums, professionals, interior designers and students use Chalk Paint® to create beautiful things. At Big Blue Trunk, we are always making an effort to build this community and showcase the amazing art that emerges from it. 

As part of this effort we are extremely excited to announce our first Artist Collaboration with Singapore based artist, Sister Zozo. Presenting the Big Blue Chest - a fluid dance of colour in Annie Sloan Chalk Paint®, with Sister Zozo's bold, expressive and spontaneous style.

Sister Zozo is a Colourful Brouhaha. Free of boundaries and labels, she's a citizen of the world with a harbour in Singapore. A creative thinker, professional artist and mum, her style is bold and imaginative, inspired by her life and surroundings.

Sister Zozo shares her thoughts on the Making of the Big Blue Chest

"When I think about  Annie Sloan, I think about inspiration by colour, when colour is used as a starting point for expression. So when I was invited to create something unique with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint®, I jumped at the opportunity. 

To begin with I had to choose my object - I chose a large wooden chest of drawers. 

I saw beautiful designs that people came up with using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint®: delicate gradients, wonderful ageing effects, calming pastel pieces. But I needed to come up with something completely new, something only I could create.

Concept: I knew I would place the chest in our living room, in a space where my toddler son plays often. And my son's energy set the mood for the piece. I wanted it to be something spontaneous, like dancing, or speaking, or play - true elementary forms of expression. It had to be full of vivacity, imaginativeness and play.

Colours: Right now I’m living my “blue period”, so I knew the Chest would be blue. The colour palette I chose was inspired by pansies. I selected the rich Napoleonic Blue for my base. The colours I used for the design were Old White, Old Violet, Loius Blue, Antoinette and English Yellow.

Artwork: I came up with the idea of one continuous line that defines the main artwork. I didn’t sketch anything, I didn’t really plan it. I just took a deep breathe and gave it a go. And here it is! 

I am very happy with the result. It’s not just a chest of drawers any more. It’s a statement, it has loud character, it’s a celebration of play, imagination and vivacity. I’m already brewing ideas for the next fun expression."

Watch the Making of the Big Blue Chest

Follow her on Instagram @sister.zozo

To buy Sister Zozo's Art visit our Studio at 02-27 Cluny Court, 501 Bukit Timah Road or online at 

มิถุนายน 06, 2018 — Deepti Chadda

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